[schrift=Century Gothic]Here will be posted every one who receives an upgrade, downgrade or remove and the reason why.
Every Upgrade or downgrade will be done every month
Forum Name : [smention u=69]Davor123[/smention]
Nick Server : who
Action : remove
Reason : ( he has requested this + incompetency )[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=60]i-Ride[/smention]
Nick Server : i-Ride
Action : +1 Upgrade
Reason : Good activity o the forum , discord and the server
Forum Name : [smention u=62]Nemesis[/smention]
Nick Server : ^.G.O.D^|Nemesis
Action : Remove
Reason : Activitate inexistenta de la inceputul lunii
Forum Name : [smention u=65]MoPyDz[/smention]
Nick Server : MoPyDz
Action : Nothing
Reason : Activity only on the server, coms only to play doesn't do to much as admin on server ( if you continue that way in the next month you will have remove )
Forum Name : [smention u=67]Alonewolf0912[/smention]
Nick Server : Alon3 W0lf NeverDie-
Action : Nothing
Reason : He barely got the access
Forum Name : [smention u=68]Alex[/smention]
Nick Server : Alex
Action : Nothing
Reason : Low activity on discord & forum good activity on the server
Forum Name : [smention u=63]DeXTeRzZz.[/smention]
Nick Server : DeXTeRzZz
Action : Nothing
Reason : In mod normal ti-as fi dat upgrade pana sa imi fi absentat aproape o saptamana fara sa anunti pe nimeni.
Forum Name : [smention u=70]tiltings[/smention]
Nick Server : tiltings
Action : Nothing
Reason : Low activity on discord & forum good activity on the server[/schrift]
Forum Name : [smention u=75]Aichiu[/smention]
Nick Server : aichiu
Action : Remove
Reason : Inactivity
Forum Name : [smention u=60]i-Ride[/smention]
Nick Server : I-Ride
Action : Remove
Reason : Inactivity
Forum Name : [smention u=67]Alonewolf0912[/smention]
Nick Server : Alonewolf0912
Action : Remove
Reason : Inactivity
Forum Name : [smention u=91]yair[/smention]
Nick Server : yair
Action : Remove
Reason : Inactivity
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=116]ImpAndrei[/smention]
Nick Server : impAndrei
Action : +1 Upgrade
Reason : Activitate + sedinta de pe discord[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=116]Abracadabra[/smention]
Nick Server : Abracadabra
Action : Remove
Reason : inactiv/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=73]HazU[/smention]
Nick Server : HazU
Action : Remove
Reason : inactivitate[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=116]ImpAndrei[/smention]
Nick Server : impAndrei
Action : +1 Upgrade
Reason : Activitate [/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=108]Danaila2023[/smention]
Nick Server : -Eq- SeDan
Action : Nimic
Reason : Up luat deja recent[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=68]Alex[/smention]
Nick Server : Alex
Action : Nimic
Reason : Esti activ pe forum si pe discord dar slabut cu activitatea pe server, rezolva asta si mai discutam[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=93]ClientLaDidi[/smention]
Nick Server : ClientLaDidi
Action : Nimic
Reason : Mai multa activitate pe forum/discord , mai multa activitate CA ADMIN pe server ( nu doar sa te joci )[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=115]Kimiksen[/smention]
Nick Server : Kimiksen
Action : Remove
Reason : Activitate 0 pe forum / discord si chiar pe server slabut[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=110]simionica[/smention]
Nick Server : xBulann
Action : Remove
Reason : Activitate 0 pe forum / discord[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=111]ungurean95[/smention]
Nick Server : zaiu
Action : +1 activitate
Reason : activitate buna pe forum / discordsi server[/schrift]
[schrift=Comic Sans MS]Forum Name : [smention u=123]xXFaNvAXx[/smention]
Nick Server : valu
Action : +1 Upgrade
Reason : Activitate + disciplina
Forum Name : [smention u=116]ImpAndrei[/smention]
Nick Server : impAndrei
Action : Nimic
Reason : mai mare atentie la banuri date
Forum Name : [smention u=108]Danaila2023[/smention]
Nick Server : -Eq- SeDan
Action : -1 Downgrade
Reason : inactiv
Forum Name : [smention u=68]Alex[/smention]
Nick Server : Alex
Action : Nimic
Reason : prea putina activitate pe server
Forum Name : [smention u=93]ClientLaDidi[/smention]
Nick Server : ClientLaDidi
Action : Remove
Reason : inactivitate
Forum Name : [smention u=122]Pufi01[/smention]
Nick Server : Pufi01
Action : Remove
Reason : Inactiv total de jumatate de luna
Forum Name : [smention u=124]cLr^[/smention]
Nick Server : cLr^
Action : Nimic
Reason : mai multa activitate pe forum & discord
Forum Name : [smention u=117]m0ns73R[/smention]
Nick Server : m0ns73R
Action : Nimic
Reason : mai multa activitate pe server[/schrift]