Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
The storyline of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 unfolds nine months after the events in Miles Morales. Peter becomes a victim of a mysterious symbiote, causing his relationship with Miles to deteriorate. However, Miles, Mary Jane, and Harry Osborn refuse to give up on their friend and attempt to help Peter face threats from new enemies like Kraven, Lizard, Sandman, and Venom.
Described as an "incredible single-player open-world experience," Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 provides players with the opportunity to explore New York in both Peter Parker's and Miles Morales' suits. The main missions alternate between the two characters, and during open-world exploration moments, players can switch between the two heroes as they wish. The game environment now includes Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn, each with exclusive missions for the two Spider-Man heroes.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is now available exclusively for PlayStation 5.
Positive Aspects
- Consistent story, albeit very predictable
- Interesting side missions
- Doesn't exaggerate with artificially extended gameplay or grinding
- Ray Tracing and exemplary optimization
Negative Aspects
- Could live (perhaps even better) without the parry mechanics
- Predictable from A to Z
- Too many tutorials and action interruptions
Source : Go4games